Monday Musings 1/30/23

by | Jan 30, 2023 | 7 comments

Good morning, quilty friends! I hope you all had a great week last week and got a lot accomplished! I am SEW grateful to say things finally started looking up for me last week with the back pain. I can tell there is still a “spot” that requires careful maneuvering, but at least I can walk around my house without too much difficulty! I want to thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. Now on to the fun!!

For the week of 1/24 – 1/30/23:

  • Continue work on the Island Batik February blog hop puffy quilt! ☑ DONE! And it is completed but you’ll have to wait until the 7th to see it!! So be sure to visit next week.
  • Get my new boxed goodies stashed away without overdoing it and making the back worse.
    ✘ Nope that didn’t happen…maybe this week!
  • Work on the first round of SAHRR – spools!! YAY I’ve never made a spool block but wanted to make a quilt of them, so this is the perfect opportunity to use them in a quilt! ☑ DONE! In case you missed that post last week, here is a pic! I call these “empty spools!”
  • That’s enough, but if any squirrel runs my way, I might try to slowly chase after it! ☑ DONE! Well, it wasn’t a squirrel, but I did finish piecing the rows on Tiny Dancer, Ms. M’s quilt, while I was waiting for the fiber fil for the puff quilt to arrive. Sorry, I didn’t get a pic…it is crumpled up on the ironing board awaiting a good pressing so I can measure for the borders!

For the week of 1/30 – 2/6/23:

  • Add borders on Tiny Dancer.
  • ?Get Tiny Dancer on the frame??
  • Work on Round two of SAHRR.
  • Squirrel??

Let’s take a look at the link ups from last week. Check on last week’s post for links to each of these shares!

Now it’s time for you to link up what you’ve been working on. We will party on til noon Sunday, so join in the fun!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Thanks for stopping by. I will be linking up with my favorite linky parties found in the side bar! Until next time…

    I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


    1. inquiringquilter

      What a beautiful beginning to your SAHRR! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Of course I love your batiks!

    2. Carol Andrews

      Brenda your empty spools are perfect! Thanks for linking with To Do Tuesday 🙂

    3. Denise

      I love the start of your SAHRR. Last year (i think it was) I made a spools but they were just large blocks with a strip and hst’s sewn to each end to highlight the fabric. It’s still one of my favorite quilt. Will have to remember to come back and link up with you when I have something to share.

    4. Gail Beam

      Hi Brenda, Love your empty spool block ! it is always amazing to me how much you get accomplised every week.

    5. rl2b2017

      Hi Brenda! I love your empty spools and they look great around your center block. I’m looking forward to seeing how you incorporate the star block prompt. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    6. davemelvanolan

      I’d say you had a successful and productive week. I hope that your back pain is subsiding. Blessings! Melva

    7. mspdesignsusa

      Hi Brenda, your spools look wonderful! I’m enjoying the SAHRR vicariously, LOL. Have a great week, Sharon



    1. Put your foot down 177 - Quiltery - […] You can see Brenda’s progress by visiting her blog at Songbird Designs. […]

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