Diamonds…a Girl’s Best Friend?!

by | Apr 23, 2019 | 34 comments

Well, that’s how the song by Marilyn Monroe goes anyway! When I first saw the announcement for this blog hop, that’s what popped in my head! And, I suppose they can be, but then there are all sorts of diamonds! While I love the shiny ones, I also love the fabric ones! They are so versatile. Thank goodness for ways of making diamond quilts without those dreaded Y-seams (those are NOT my best friend)! LOL So, thank you, Carol of Just Let Me Quilt, for hosting this blog hop and making me think of diamonds. Join us on our diamond journey! See the schedule later in the post.

Now, I can’t get that song out of my head! LOL

Recently, Tammy Silvers of Tamarini’s (no affiliation) was the guest speaker at our quilt guild. I saw this pattern, named Tartary, and really loved it and thought it would be a pretty quick quilt to pull together.

Tartary by Tammy Silvers of Tamarini’s

I needed a pattern to make a quilt for my nephew who was recently married and I thought he would really like this (his quilt is still in the works!!) A few weeks ago, our pastor’s wife asked me to make a quilt for a fundraiser to raise money for youth camp this summer. I have trouble saying no to a good cause! I looked through my stash and just couldn’t find anything that I thought would work, so, off I went to the quilt store and found some beautiful Stonehenge fabric! I made this pattern a little larger than Tammy’s so that it would fit a full-size bed.

I got out my wonderful AccuQuilt Go! BIG cutter and used the #4 die from the 12-inch Go! Qube to make the quarter square triangles. I love that the pieces line up so well when stitching and there are no dog-ears to cut! Then, I cut the strips.

Strips and Quarter Square Triangles all numbered and ready to go!

Next I did a little chain piecing!

Chain piecing

And made 10 of these units! Piecing with different colors in the top and bottom triangles was a little confusing, and yes, Jackie the Ripper had her way with these diamonds at times. She just had to jump in the fun!

Though this is a pretty easy pattern, keeping up with the lengths of the strips that attach to the center diamonds was a bit tricky. But, my system worked pretty well. I was only slightly dazed and confused by the end – and all strips were in their rightful place!

Ready to stitch the strips together!

Stitched together and borders added. Fortunately we had a great day outside today for pictures!

If you look closely on the right of the picture you will see a glimpse of Chloe! She likes to photobomb the quilt pics!

I am calling this quilt Diamond Mist. Don’t you just love that Stonehenge fabric? Now to get it quilted! Here is the schedule (including yesterday’s!) for this blog hop.

April 22
Needled Mom
Keepsake Moments
Kathy’s Quilts
Kathy’s Kwilts and More
Color, Creating, and Quiltin

April 23
Ms P Designs USA
Vroomans Quilts
Marjorie’s Busy Corner
Melva Loves Scraps
Storied Quilts
Words & Stitches
Clever Chameleon Quilting
Songbird Designs (YOU ARE HERE!)

April 24
Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Creative Blonde 
Selina Quilts
Bumbleberry Stitches
Two Maker Chicks
Quilts By Joanne

April 25
Patchouli Moon Studio
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Hill Valley Quilter
Mageez Room
High Road Quilter
Seams To Be Sew

April 26
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Days Filled With Joy
For The Love Of Geese
Quilt Fabrication
Stitchin At Home
Just Let Me Quilt

You can find all the projects on the Be A Diamond Pinterest page HERE.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will visit the rest of the bloggers and show them some quilty love. Your comments do make our day! Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Sandra Walker

    Wow, do I LOVE your quilt Brenda! I love simple but graphic designs, but the fabrics you chose take this to another level. I giggled at your dazed and confused comment, oh I hear ya!

  2. Theresa

    Your quilt is beautiful!

  3. Patricia Evans

    Very appealing quilt. You’ve chosen my favorite colors and used them wisely.

  4. Danice

    So pretty Brenda! The designs and fabrics are beautiful. Great work by you, as always.

  5. Kathy h

    Beautiful quilt. Great choice in fabrics.

  6. Cynthia Woodham

    Well done. I do love the fabrics you have used.

  7. Jayne P

    What a simple idea but so effective. I love your fabrics

  8. Sharon Andersen

    This is so beautiful, and I do love that Stonehenge fabric- so yummy. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Selina

    Beautiful quilt. I hope it raises lots of money for the camp.

  10. selina

    This is a beautiful quilt and I hope it raises lots of money for the camp. Great color choices.

  11. Joan

    That is just gorgeous. Such a simple design that makes a huge impact.

  12. Carla

    Brenda, this is a great quilt and so modern and fun. Your fabric choices are perfection. Love your diamonds.

  13. Colette

    Very pretty quilt.

  14. Mary

    That looks beautiful. The fabrics are fabulous in it.

  15. Janice Holton

    Yes, I DO love that Stonehenge fabric. I’ve never owned any myself but every time I see it, I really like it. That Tartary design is perfect for it! And for this blog hop! I enjoyed reading your “About Me” and will be following your blog. 🙂

  16. Susan the Farm Quilter

    Great quilt and I totally love that Stonehenge fabric!!!

  17. Denise

    What a great finish, yes I love the stonehenge fabric.

  18. ShirleyC

    Great job! That is beautiful!

  19. Karrin Hurd

    Beautiful quilt, love the colors!

  20. Vasudha

    The fabric is awesome but you’ve made best use of it in your quilt. I love the pattern and especially how you’ve laid out the colors. It looks like an impressionist painting.

  21. Angela J Short

    Beautiful fabrics and quilt! Enjoy your day!! 🙂 🙂 angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  22. Quilter Kathy

    That’s an amazing quilt and the name is perfect for it… well done!

  23. Daryl

    Brenda your quilt is stunning! Stonehenge (and batik fabrics) are my favorite fabrics. And naming your seam ripper Jackie, lol!!!! Why didn’t I think of that? But Diamonds are a girl’s best friend did pop into my head too when Carol announced this blog hop.

  24. Karen E Overton

    Small world- I know Tammy! Would love to have heard her speak. You did a fantastic interpretation of her pattern – I’ve not used Stonehenge, thought it was Batik’s at first. Think I will have to go add to my stash perhaps.

    Have a blessed day!

  25. Carol S.

    I love Stonehenge fabric and using them in this quilt was brilliant (like a diamond.) I love this quilt…it’s so beautiful! It looks easy, but is really striking. Thanks for sharing and hopping with us!

  26. Britt-Inger

    I love your misty diamond quilt. A great work. Thanks for sharing

  27. Gin

    Very pretty . I love the colors.

  28. Dione Gardner-Stephen

    Lucky youth camp fundraisers, this is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  29. Kathie L

    Great fabrics paired with w lovely design. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Stitchin at Home

    I love your quilt made in the ‘Stonehedge’ fabrics!

  31. Gail Beam

    Brenda, your quilt is beautiful! Congratulations! I saw that you had won one of the prizes in the last hop that you were in.


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