Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.
– Michael Ely
Sometimes just starting is the hardest part!! Hi, and welcome to another Monday Musings post! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving for those in the US. Ours was quiet. Kiddos were camping and we had turkey sandwiches (mine with cranberry sauce of course!) and just chilled. The kiddos were off camping for the week, so we had zoo duty. But other than that we just took it easy as it has taken me most of the week to finally feel better from whatever I had!
I did not do anything in particular this week, but I did finish quilting a friend’s quilt. I will get a photo of it and show it next week. I did design and start cutting out my December Island Batik project. That’s all I did besides sit in my recliner and recuperate!
For the week of 11/27 – 12/3/23:
- Get photo of quilt to share.
- Complete cutting of IB project and start stitching.
- Work on Virtual Christmas Cookie Blog Hop project.
- Sew day Wednesday – I need my therapy – I’ve missed it! LOL
- Whatever else suits my fancy!
So what have you been working on in my absence? Time to share!
Carol’s Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop begins next Monday, which will also be my day to post. So I will see you then for that post as well as the Monday Musings post.

Thanks for your visit and joining in the fun today. I’ll be joining in my favorite linky parties as they come open -> those over in the side bar!! I hope you all have a wonderful, quilty week! Until next time…
Well it sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving with the grandkiddos. Turkey sandwiches sound so yummy. I have never added cranberry sauce on mine- I am going to try that. Enjoy your weekend, Brenda. Hugs.
Hi Brenda! Wow, I can’t believe it’s nearly time for the Cookie Exchange blog hop. Yikes, this year is really winding down, isn’t it? I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better. I can feel I’m on the verge of getting a cold but I’m trying real hard to avoid it. I hope you have a great week and continue to feel back to normal. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Happy Monday!! Love your quote at the top!!!
Happy Monday! I love that you were on zoo duty…such a helpful thing for the travelers. Glad you are on the mend and a bright week is ahead…good luck!
Glad you are feeling better, and the turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce is a must. We finished the last of our turkey yesterday. It all went by in a blur here, can’t believe it is already over. 🙁 But now we have some quiet time, right? 😀
You reconnected with family/loved ones, that is more important then quilting. You took a break, now you have fresh eyes to start on that project. Now in crazy season, set aside time for quilting. Is morning your best time? Set time then, move on to decorating, cleaning, cooking, babysitting or whatever. Relaxing doing you quilting will help keep you sane and in a better mood.