Monday Musings 11/28/22

by | Nov 28, 2022 | 10 comments

Monday, Monday, here we are again!! It’s been a busy, busy week here. I hope you all (in the US) enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday! Our kids usually go to my SILs moms for Thanksgiving but they did an early feast since his brother was going out of town for Thanksgiving. We always make a huge Christmas feast, so we opted to have Thanksgiving at Cracker Barrel! It was really good! And it was a double treat because the kids treated us! It was a great day to reflect on all the blessings we enjoy. Sure, we all have troubles at times, but I feel the blessings always win out over the troubles!

On to the list at hand! From 11/13 – 11/27:

  • Work on Island Batik Blog Hop project – Progress was made…a lot! I can’t show you the project yet, but here are a couple of pics to tease you!
  • Finish cross stitch project – DONE Now to get it mounted/framed!!
  • Work on patterns – Progress made!
  • Work on Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop – Thought about it! Does that count?! I stumped myself on the IB project and it took me a day and a half (and one sleepless night!) to figure out what had happened! That was not fun and definitely hindered my progress in other matters! Plus Jackie (the Ripper) got quite the workout!! Ugh!

For the week of 11/28 – 12/4:

  • Add borders to IB project and get it on the quilt frame!
  • Definitely have to start the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange project!
  • That’s all – and should be quite enough to occupy my time! Well, I will be teaching a class on Wednesday at the LQS for the Sit n Sew ladies! We always have fun.

Here are a few of the musings shared with us last week. You can find links on the last Monday Musings page!

Now it’s your time to share what you’ve been working on. Join the fun so we can all see what you are working on!

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I hope you have a great week. Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. joymcd305716439

    Looking forward to seeing what you IB project is.. and the cookie exchange one! I’ve been a bit stumped on that one too – keep changing my mind, haha! I hope you had a great week and thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

  2. Anorina Morris

    I love the colours in your IB project. This is going to be fun to see them all begin to appear. I’m lucky that my date for the hop isn’t until after Christmas, so plenty of time to sew for me 🙂

  3. Kathleen McCormick

    Your thanksgiving sounds lovely! I am glad you were doubly treated…so nice when that happens. Can’t wait to see all the goodies – hope they are all behaving this week as you work on them!

  4. Melisa-Pinker n Punkin Quilting

    My DH’s family ate Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving as well and said it was really good. It sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Such pretty batiks you are working with. Have a great week.

  5. quiltinggail

    Sorry to hear that December’s IB was such a challenge and that you and Jack (the ripper) had to spend time together! However, knowing that you’re adding borders means that it is almost done, done, DONE!!! Looking forward to seeing it!

    • Carol Andrews

      Thank you Brenda for the shout out on my fun little quilt. Still don’t have the borders on it; life and squirrels, you know ?
      Sure hope Jackie can have a nice long rest before you need to put her to work again. Your Thanksgiving sounds like it was fun! ?

  6. StitchingGrandma

    Hi Brenda. Love that you shared a link connection. You stay so busy, who has time to cook!! Going out to Cracker Barrel sounds perfect! Love seeing your projects, trying to guess what is coming up. What pray tell is a virtual cookie exchange??

  7. texasquiltgal

    I like the Cracker Barrel idea – we need to try that sometime. Your IB tease looks pretty. Yes “thinking about” the virtual cookie exchange project counts 😉 I have changed my mind twice and still haven’t started it, so I’ll be burning the midnight oil. Here’s an early thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  8. Jocelyn Thurston

    Hi Brenda, I enjoy seeing what you are working on. And you do have a great bunch of projects just now. How nice to have Fall is in the Air all done too. Happy Stitching!

  9. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! Cracker Barrel sounds like fun and to be treated is extra special. They always have good food. Your IB project looks intriguing. I can’t wait to see where it’s headed and also what you have to share for the Virtual Cookie Exchange. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne


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