Monday Musings a day late! 1/24/23

by | Jan 24, 2023 | 9 comments

Please excuse the delay for this post. I have had several days of trying to get in to create a post in my back office! Technology…can’t live with it…can’t live without it!! LOL At any rate, here it is Tuesday and we are moving on with the weekly update!

For the week of 1/16/23 – 1/23/23:

  • Trim Heavenly Flora. ☑ Done!!
  • Bind and label both quilts. ☑ Done!!

  • Send them on a trip to California!! ☑ Done!! They were supposed to arrive Monday, but got a notification they will be there Tuesday! Whew!
  • Start cutting fabric for Island Batik February Blog Hop. ☑ Done!! All cut and the top is stitched together. Now I’m working on the “biscuits!!” Here is the fabric I am using. Unfortunately I failed to get a photo of all the pieces. You can see them all together in a couple of weeks! This collection is called Broken Glass. I just love those luscious colors!!
  • MD appointment Tuesday for followup of the blood clot and hopefully something for my back pain. At this point I would love a steroid injection for it. That has helped me in the past. We’ll see what he says on Tuesday! ☑ Done!! Well that is a whole story in itself. Blood work, lab messed up blood, had to redraw, then the levels are still too high to come off the thinners, so no anti-inflammatory injection, UGH. He did renew the muscle relaxers though and I can take one-half and stay upright…so that’s all good! Now I have to have another ultrasound, which I was hoping to avoid.

For the week of 1/24 – 1/30/23:

  • Continue work on the Island Batik February blog hop puffy quilt!
  • Get my new boxed goodies stashed away without overdoing it and making the back worse.
  • Work on the first round of SAHRR – spools!! YAY I’ve never made a spool block but wanted to make a quilt of them, so this is the perfect opportunity to use them in a quilt!
  • That’s enough, but if any squirrel runs my way, I might try to slowly chase after it! LOL

Here is a round up from last week’s link up. If you want to check them out, the links are in last week’s Monday Musings (1/16/23).

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Now it is time to link up what your plans are for this week! Please share with us!

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Thanks for stopping by. I will be linking up with my favorite linky parties found in the side bar! Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Joy Teague

    Brenda, hope you can get relief from your pain soon.
    The quilts are beautiful and thanks for sharing them.

  2. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda. I’m so sorry to hear that your back is still giving you fits. Darn it. I hope that the muscle relaxers relax the issue right out of you. Just take care of yourself. The car pool and us readers need to around and in good health. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Gail Beam

    Hopefully your back pain gets better and all of your other appointments go well. Love all of the beautiful new batiks that you are going to use in your upcoming projects.

  4. Susan

    Wow this has been a time for the health issues. I hope the relaxers help with the pain and you can get around to doing some things. I know how hard it is when you can’t! Love that batik collection.

  5. Marti

    If you are a day late, then I am just in time to join. I hope you get some pain relief soon. I have been struggling with pain this week too.

  6. Melisa- Pinker n Punkin Quilting

    Brenda, I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well and you feel better very soon. You have been staying busy though .Woo Hoo and getting so much completed. Such lovely fabrics that you are going to be working with. Have a great week, dear..

  7. Bonnie in VA

    What a gorgeous collection of batiks you will get to work with this season. (Or probably fabrics for a season or two ahead.) Yikes, back pain is awful. I hope you can move a bit without overdoing it. I really like your labels. They look great.

  8. Kathleen McCormick

    I hope you get some relief from the doctor. Glad you were a day late and I could post the newest finish! I love that fabric collection…it is gorgeous. The puff quilts will be something to see!

  9. Melva Loves Scraps

    Boy you have had challenges lately. Hang in there. <3 Good luck with your list. You had a successful week despite the roadblocks. Bravo!


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