Monday Musings (Weekly Update!)

by | Oct 24, 2022 | 5 comments

Welcome back! I decided to rename my updates to Monday Musings, so this is what you will see when my updates show up in your inbox! And I do appreciate all the subscribers to my blog. If you haven’t subscribed, I would great appreciate you doing so. I promise I will not spam you! I only send out updates and completed projects, and the occasional (very occasional) family info.

Will you join my new linky party below?

And speaking of family info, are you aware that in addition to October being breast cancer awareness month, it is also CRMO awareness month? While breast cancer (thus far) hasn’t affected my family, unfortunately, CRMO does.

From the website: “Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a potentially serious disease. It involves inflammation of one or multiple bones that can be long lasting, or chronic. Symptoms can come and go. Inflammation may start in one bone, but later develop in other bones. CRMO is sometimes called Chronic Non-bacterial Osteomyelitis (CNO) by physicians and in publications. “Non-bacterial” means there is no bacterial infection.  Some physicians prefer this term because the disease is not always recurrent or multifocal in nature. CRMO is under-recognized, which means many doctors may not be familiar with this disease. Currently there are about 400 cases reported in the literature of patients with CRMO.”

The cause is unknown and it is estimated to affect anywhere from 2-7 in 1 million people. The also believe there could be a genetic component to this disease, which I believe may be true. Our granddaughter, Madelyn (now 13) was diagnosed in 2020 with CRMO, and unfortunately, the younger of the twins is exhibiting the same symptoms and is seeing a pediatric rheumatologist for testing and possible diagnosis. Diagnosis for CRMO comes by basically ruling out everything else and also doing full body MRI. They will be waiting six months for Dalton’s MRI, like they did with Madelyn. So we are praying that the cause and a cure is found and would appreciate any prayers you might offer up for them. Now, let’s move on to the fun stuff!

For last week, 10/17 – 10/24:

For 10/17 – 10/24:

  • Start November Island Batik project. ✔ DONE! About to start the quilting on it! I will tell you our challenge for November is a Christmas stocking!
  • Work on M’s quilt. ✘ Nope.
  • Quilt something, maybe?? I’m missing playing with the longarm!! ✘ Nope. But I did get a little more done on my cross stitch! That cute little fox is starting to peek out!
  • Whatever suits my fancy! I did a little bit of straightening up of my cutting table and my studio. MUCH more is needed LOL! Besides attending the funeral of a church member on Monday, and sitting at the hospital while my brother underwent a cardiac cath on Tuesday, I was also distracted by the receipt of a package of fabric from Island Batik for their spring/summer catalog. I don’t think I told you that I had two quilt patterns accepted for inclusion in the catalog. I am so excited and look forward to some secret sewing!! Also, in case you missed last week’s blog hop, here are my two little pinnies I made for it. Read about these on my previous post!

For 10/24 – 10/31:

  • Finish November Island Batik project.
  • Hopefully stitch at least one row of M’s quilt together!
  • Do some more cleaning!
  • Decide on pattern for December Island Batik Blog Hop project and get started on that!
  • If any time is left, whatever suits my fancy!

This is plenty to keep me occupied for the week. Tomorrow is class day at Zig Zag for our Sit-n-Sew sampler. I finished instructions all 12 blocks and will take my AccuQuilt cutter and help them cut out the remaining blocks they need. Of course, our fall tornado season has begun, and we are expecting severe weather tomorrow, so will see what the day brings. Wednesday, I plan to have lunch with a guild friend. Time in the studio may be a bit hampered but we will see!

Will you join me as I start this new linky party? It’s your turn! Just click below to share your post or picture!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

I’ll be linking up with my favorite linky parties this week also. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time…


I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Melisa-Pinker n Punkin Quilting

    I had never heard of CRMO . Thank you for bringing awareness about it. Prayers to those in your family who are affected. Such fabulous projects that you have been working on Brenda. I look forward to joining you in your Monday Link Parties

  2. Kathleen McCormick

    I am sorry to hear your family is waiting on another diagnosis. Chronic illness in the young is tough – and I will pray for a cure and good outcomes for your sweet grands. Love the new logo and fun party. I will try to join up….weekly musings and to do lists are a good thing!

  3. davemelvanolan

    Prayers for your family and for researchers to find a cure. I’ve added your linky party to my weekly list. Blessings!

  4. texasquiltgal

    Oh I like that logo for your link party! I’ll try to join later this week. I’ll pray for Dalton to test negative and for Madelyn in her fight against CRMO, bless her heart. Can’t wait to see a batik Christmas stocking! Congratulations on your patterns in the catalog – how exciting. I’d be distracted too. Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  5. quiltinggail

    Your pincushions are darling!!


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