
by | Sep 27, 2020 | 10 comments

This has been a crazy, busy month! The first part of the month, I “got” to play teacher to my twin grandsons (one of whom is on meds for ADD, and some days I thought the other one needed it! LOL) and granddaughter (who is very self-sufficient with her work) while my daughter had to actually be in school. That was a trip! Not sure I would count that as a squirrel, but it definitely had me dropping everything and falling behind in my quilting projects!!

However, I did have a “real” squirrel run through my space! On one of the FaceBook groups to which I belong, The Perfect Stitch with OESD, I kept noticing the cute embroidered cards. Some of the posts mentioned classes, so I kept scrolling until I found the instructor and got in touch with her to find out more…you know inquiring minds just want to know! LOL I found out they were in New York state, but were being conducted via zoom. So off I go and sign up, bought the kit, received the information and let the instructor know I was in. She advised me to read the instructions and play around with the cards. So once I downloaded all the info, I had to make a JoAnn’s and Michaels run and pick up the supplies (oh darn!!) That’s the first time I’ve been in either store since the pandemic lock down began. It felt SO good!! Even with having to wear the mask, which I think will be our norm for a while yet. I already had the designs she will be using in the class, so one less thing to purchase.

Next I printed out the instructions and began playing! I used a cute mylar snowman design that was a freebie from Charming Station. GiGi gives out a free mylar snowman each week with a saying that goes along. I loved this one, so grabbed it and rearranged the wording in my software to work with what I wanted to do. The first one I did was too large for the trim on the card so honey, I shrunk the design! LOL Then restitched it and completed the card. I even made the envelope! I think figuring how to use that scoring board was the hardest part! I used the Envelope Punch Board by We R Memory Keepers. I found this at JoAnn’s! They have a great sale right now on scrapbooking paper! Once I figured out the board, it was pretty easy! Unfortunately, my class isn’t until the end of October, but I had fun playing around with this squirrel. Here is what I made!

Now it’s time to check out my last to-do list and see how I did. Well, since it was exactly one month ago (WHERE does time go??), I should have done pretty well on it! Hopefully!!

  1. Finish stitching down the appliques for the Garden Party Rowalong. done ✓ and posted!
  2. Go to the fabric store (oh darn) and select fabrics for the Hello Fall Blog Hop. Can’t wait to
    start this one!! done ✓ and posted!
  3. Maybe, just maybe, cut out appliques for Sunshine Cove block?? ✗ nope, didn’t happen
    and may not for a while!
  4. Maybe ?? quilt Garden Friends! ✗ once again didn’t happen BUT the flimsy is done and posted!!
  5. Not stitching related, but cooler weather is supposed to arrive this week and I want to
    make Taco Soup! YUM!

Well, not too bad for the past month, I guess! So what’s on this week’s agenda?

Fabric pull for Halloween Hoppin project! However, part of the pattern and one fabric choice has changed!!

I’ll be linking up today with Musings of a Menopausal Melon (MMM quilts) monthly DrEAMi! and on Tuesday’s To-Do with Home Sewn By Us and Clever Chameleon’s Colour Inspiration Tuesday and maybe others!

That should keep me busy this week. What do you have planned for the week? Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Dione Gardner-Stephen

    You have my hugest sympathies with the school supervision! Your squirrel snowman card turned out fantastic. Glad to hear it has been so much fun already, sounds like there is much more in store for you. Thanks for linking to Colour & Inspiration Tuesday.

  2. Mia is mine

    Wow! You had a busy week! Your card is so pretty! That Halloween project looks like fun!

  3. Sandra Walker

    Yay for focused girls! 🙂 I giggled at your ADD comments and the inquiring minds…isn’t that what leads us to squirrels?! Thanks for linking this beautiful stitchery with DrEAMi!

  4. Denise

    Your snowman is adorable.

  5. Bonne in VA

    I’ve done embroidery on card stock once many years ago and have no idea how I did it. Would you be willing to share the name and web page or email of the class? I’d enjoy giving that a try again. Your Halloween fabric pull looks terrific. I hope you have a lot of fun with your Halloween Hoppin’ Project.

  6. Sherrie

    Love the card, it’s beautiful…sounds like you a great To-Tuesday…congrats on getting
    all your projects done…have a great day!

  7. Vicki in MN

    OMG Brenda, you card is adorable!! It certainly does feel weird going into stores again. I have only been in Kohls and Hobby Lobby once and JoAnn’s a few times. But it is scurry in and out!

  8. Mia is mine

    Brenda, you accomplished so very much! That card is lovely – frameable even! Thank your for sharing such a beautiful project!

  9. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! Oh, I would definitely count anything that had you dropping everything and ignoring your usual routine as a squirrel. Those grands can really wear you out, can’t they? I love the fabric pull for your Halloween project! And your snowman rocks – you won’t need the class by the end of October. Thanks in advance for linking up this week. I appreciate it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Gail Beam

    Oh my gosh Brenda, You have a lot of things accomplished, I don’t see how you get so much done, and you are going to be busy with your new hops and projects. Glad you were able to get out and do a little shopping at everyone’s favorite stores of course. l will be looking forward to all of your Halloween projects.


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