by Brenda | Jan 18, 2021
Welcome to a new week at SBD, friends! I hope you all had a great weekend and a productive week. Mine has been pretty good and I will get to that in a bit. But first, I wanted to let you know about the Hearts on Fire Blog Hop which begins today and is hosted by Carol...
by Brenda | Feb 27, 2019
Wow, another month has slipped on by. Where does time go? I guess it’s all good when you’re having fun, right?! It’s time to recap my goals for February and see what I’ve gotten completed, so here goes! My February Goals Were: 1 –...
by Brenda | Feb 19, 2019
Welcome to day two, and my day, for the Show Your Wings Blog Hop, hosted by Carol of Just Let Me Quilt! Thanks Carol for hosting this fun hop!! When I started thinking about what project I would make, my mind was kind of in a whirl! So many things have wings –...