And the Stockings Were Hung…

by | Dec 18, 2018 | 3 comments

Finally!!! Just in time to hang a few days before Christmas! Life has been so crazy busy I wasn’t sure these were going to be ready. But, since the hubs has been temporarily assigned to a different shift to cover one of their companies in Australia, I’ve been staying up waiting for him to get home – and sewing!! As I had mentioned in a previous post, the kiddos were allowed to pick the chalkboard appliques they wanted on their stockings – then they were allowed to choose their fabric, uhh, well, Braden WANTED orange!! I nixed that idea, but in hindsight, I probably should have just bought some orange fabric and made him an orange stocking!! Oranges are Christmas-y, (I have fond memories of oranges at Christmas-time!) but NOT the color orange – at least not in my mind!! The child has been obsessed with orange for a couple of years now. It used to be blue, which I could have gotten behind, as my Angel Girl chose blue snowflakes. And Dalton is my green guy! When they were born, my daughter put them in separate rooms – Braden’s was blue and Dalton’s green, and clothing was also mostly in those colors – if not identical, so those have been “their” colors until a couple of years ago. But, he also likes red, thankfully! 

OK, full disclosure: I did not have a pattern for their stockings, so I kind of made it up as I went along! I just knew I wanted them to be able to use one of the chalk markers and write their name on the chalkboard! So here is what evolved! I guess they turned out ok! There are some things I will do differently next time I make them. Maybe by next Christmas I can make their mom and dad and the hubs and me new ones!

Two goals down! I actually have the third completed, but will that will be another post after Christmas!

Look at the goodies I have received in the mail in the past week! I have truly been blessed with winnings this month! During the Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop, I won the cutest gingerbread man pot holder from Melva of Melva Loves Scraps!  Thank you, Melva!! I’ll be using this in my Christmas decor this year!

Melva made this cute gingerbread pot holder!

I was also the winner of the Homespun Holidays prize of these lovelies – from my friend Danice, of Homespun Hannah’s Blog. Danice won a blue ribbon for this beautiful doll. She even has her own little stocking, and quilt with it’s tiny blue ribbon! Danice also sent some awesome smelling potpourri and a cute little grapevine wreath ornament that now hangs on my tree! 

This potpourri smells like evergreens! Really Christmas-y!!

I was going to sit her in my pine cone basket, but decided that Bunny the Christmas Angel needed a friend, so here she is! Bunny has her own sweet little doll now!! Thank you so much, Danice!! The craftsmanship is awesome! I see why you won that first place ribbon!

Don’t they make a cute pair??!!

Oh, one other quick thing I’ve finished! This is my first piece of wool and hand stitching! This is a kit from Shabby Fabrics (no affiliation) that I thought I would give a try. I really enjoyed doing the hand work! Of course the Angel Girl claimed it – and of course, she got it! LOL! She has been encouraging me and checking my progress every day since I have been working on it while sitting in car line to pick them up from school!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very blessed and merry Christmas! Until next week…

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  1. Danice

    All beautiful photos. Those stockings are awesome. So glad you like the gifts. Thank you for posting, and for the link. Happy holidays.

  2. Roseanne

    Hi Brenda! Oh those pictures of the kiddos with each stocking are just the best!! And Angel Girl with the wool ornament – what a sweet smile. And the ornament is nice as well. It looks like you have had a blessed month with some winnings. I hope those blessings continue for the rest of this year and well into 2019. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Susan the Farm Quilter

    I love your stockings and they are big enough to fill with lots of goodies! Congratulations on your winnings…always fun to win things in blog hops!! That doll is amazing. Your wool ornament is darling, and maybe it needs to be joined by a new ornament every year for Angel Girl so when she gets her own tree, it will be filled with ornaments made with love by you!


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