It’s the end of the month and what have I gotten done – aside from all the everyday “stuff” that is?!
Let’s review my goals for January one by one.
January Goals:
1 – Complete project and post for the Black and White Blog Hop. COMPLETED!! If you missed it, you can read the post here. And here is a pic of my project.

2 – Cut cornerstones and sashing blocks for center medallion of show quilt. COMPLETED! Even got the smaller blocks cut out as well!

3 – Cut all green squares and HSTs for guild donation quilt. COMPLETED! Thanks to my AccuQuilt GO! Big I cut 48 3-inch squares and 204 HSTs all in less than an hour!! I love this machine!

4 – Review “old” quilt books and decide on a project for Bea’s February Blog hop, “Dust Off a Quilt Book.” COMPLETED! I looked through several of my books and finally decided on a project from this book. You will have to wait until the blog hop to see the exact project!!
I really did have to dust if off! LOL Published in 1996!
5 – Design project for the “Show Your Wings” Blog Hop also in February and hosted by Carol of Just Let Me Quilt! COMPLETED!! Again, I cannot show you the project just yet, but let me just say it involves wings! Hopefully, the pattern will be ready at the same time! I did “blur up” a “parts” pic for you, though! I actually have the parts cut out already – thanks to my new Scan n Cut DX!!

I’m so happy I accomplished my five goals for the month and I’m linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal!! I’ll be back in a few days with my February goals. Until next time…
Wow! You had a productive month! I absolutely love your black and white quilt. It’s the first one I’ve seen that has a center focus and splashes so dramatically! You’re obviously extremely talented! Thank you so much for sharing!
Love the black and white quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
I think my book was from 1996 too. Great work on your projects!
Thank you for including your “scraps” after cutting out your pieces with the Accuquilt. Many people think it wastes fabric. If you cut as recommended, it not only saves time, but also fabric!