Week Two of RAL and Fair News!!

by | Sep 11, 2018 | 11 comments

Happy Tuesday, everyone!! This is week two of the 2018 My Happy Place Row Along, sponsored by Marian of Seams to be Sew!! And, yes, there are MORE prizes to be won!! Each blogger has a prize and there is that AWESOME grand prize of Electric Quilt 8. So be sure to visit all the blogs and enter for the grand prize as well! We are so grateful to Marian and her work in obtaining sponsors for all these wonderful prizes – and SEW grateful to the sponsors for providing them!! 

The schedule for today, Tuesday, September 11th is:

Barbara Dieges | Upstairs Hobby Room
Quilt Art | UlaSewing / SzycieUli

Today’s sponsors for the giveaways are:

June Tailor
Barbara Dieges
Hobbs Batting
Anita Goodesign
Inspired LED
Electric Quilt

And now, for my news! Last week I decided to enter my Wonderland quilt into our local county fair. Judging was last Monday, Labor Day, and the fair opened on Tuesday afternoon. I decided to not actually attend the fair and wait until Sunday afternoon when I picked my quilt up to see if I won a ribbon, and I DID!! My first blue ribbon!! You can read more about how Wonderland came to be here!

Wonderland won in the Quilts and Wall Hangings Original Design category!

My first blue ribbon!! Even if it was at the county fair! LOL

I looked a LOT like Cheshire Cat when I saw this! I think he was as happy as I was!! LOL

NEVER FORGET – our freedom depends on it!

On a more somber note, I’m sure all of us remember the tragic events of 9/11/2001. Please remember those who lost their lives, their families,  and those brave first responders who gave their all to save others on this day.
America – Never Forget!

That’s my news for today! Be sure to visit the blogs listed above, and come back Thursday for more blog hoppin’ fun!! Until then…I’m off to finish up my row for next week’s My Happy Place Row Along!

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Dione Gardner-Stephen

    Congratulations Brenda! Very exciting and well deserved. So happy for you! 🙂

  2. Susan

    Congratulations! What a wonderful quilt, and the kitty is so happy!

  3. Chrisknits

    What a great quilt! Congrats.

  4. Preeti Harris

    So much fun!!! The quilt with so much cattitude had to win a ribbon!!! Love all the pinks and your quilting is just perfect.

  5. Kathy Bruckman

    Congrats on winning a blup ribbon. That is awesome. I love your Wonderland quilt.

  6. Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter

    wow what a quilt! No wonder it won a ribbon. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing this on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Roseanne

    Good Morning Brenda! Congrats on your blue ribbon!! How exciting is that?!! I admire you for waiting until you picked up your piece to found out if it was a winner or not. Honestly, it looks so well done that it just had to be a winner. Your quilting, especially on the tree really makes it shine. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Diane Cockman

    Brenda, You did a wonderful job on your quilt. I can see why you won the blue ribbon.
    It is beautiful. Congratulations!

  9. Susan S

    Congratulations. Keep on designing, your talent is showing.

  10. Shirley Clark

    I can certainly see why it won! Congratulations!

  11. Angela Hubbard

    So PROUD of my sister, Brenda Alburl, for winning her First Blue Ribbon!!!! Good job, Well done!!!!


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