2022 Year in Review

by | Jan 3, 2023 | 8 comments

This has been a busy and fun year for me, so I thought I’d share the fun with you all. I appreciate you following my blog throughout the year. You are all my wonderful, quilty friends!

Let’s start with my Island Batik projects. I am so honored to have been chosen to represent the best batik fabric company in the world for 2022. Here is a slide show of my projects.

Here are the blog hop projects, other than Island Batik, in which I’ve participated in 2022.

I also completed this quilt for a fundraiser for our youth at church.

Ring around the Rose Quilt

Earlier in the year, I also started a Songbird Designs FaceBook Group, as well as a FaceBook Page where I post all my projects, as well as those of other ambassadors and friends. I hope you will considering joining and liking both of these pages!

There are other projects I’ve worked on during 2022, but these are my favorite! I hope you have enjoyed my year in review. Please join me now in 2023 as we begin a whole new year of quilty, embroidery, and crafty fun! Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. piecefulwendy

    You have had a fantastic, beautiful, colorful year!

  2. Kathleen McCormick

    This is a great retrospective! Love to see all your work….so much fun that you will be doing IB again this year! Congratulations.

  3. ShirleyC

    You do such beautiful work! I was glad to find your FB page.

  4. Melisa-Pinker n Punkin Quilting

    These all are so beautiful, Brenda. Well done. I wish you another productive year . I look forward to seeing what comes out of your quilt studio. Happy quilting.

  5. quiltinggail

    It was great to refresh my eyes with all the beautiful quilts and projects you made in ’22!
    Here’s to another great year in ’23!

  6. Sharon

    Great projects! Thanks for sharing.?

  7. Gail Beam

    Thank you Brenda for sharing your year in review of your awesome favorite projects.

  8. Daryl

    So many beautiful and colorful projects that you created last year Brenda. Did you apply again to be an Island Batik Ambassador?


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