Hearts on Fire!!

by | Jan 19, 2021 | 15 comments

Greetings, friends! Today is my day for sharing in the Hearts on Fire Blog Hop, hosted by Carol of Just Let Me Quilt!! Thank you, Carol, for hosting this fun hop…just in time for Valentine’s Day next month! This project also inches me a little closer to my PHD in 2021!

I actually started this project several years ago and I guess it was waiting to be completed at such a time as this! It’s hearts and varying colors of pink scraps and borders. What’s not to love? This is my version of February’s quilt from Calendar Quilts by Kim Schaefer. Her borders are pieced but I chose to use solid borders. Now is the perfect time to complete it! I present to you Heart of my Hearts! If you click through the slide show, you can see some of the quilting. I must admit, I am SO rusty as I haven’t touched my longarm in months, so forgive all the boo-boos and the angled photo (as well as one string I forgot to cut), please!

The only thing left to do is bind it. Unfortunately, I did not have enough scrap fabric for that, but it will get done and added to my PHD list!! Oh darn, a trip to my LQS!! Instead of a calendar, I’ll be using mine as a table runner/topper. Hey, it can serve double duty and I will add a hanging sleeve when I tire of it being on the table!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I’ll also be linking up to the Table Scraps Challenge with The Joyful Quilter, and maybe some other of my favorite linkies!

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Dione Gardner-Stephen

    WHat a sweet little project. What a good idea to use the hop as motivation to get something finished off. Thanks for sharing at Clever Chameleon.

  2. Colette

    Finishing up a UFO is definite plus. I am right there with you, haven’t touched my LA in months, and there is a quilt loaded on it even. Your little quilt is lovely.

  3. Danice G

    Adorable Brenda, It is always good to finish or almost finish a UFO also. Table runner or wall hanging, it looks great.

  4. Susan

    Beautiful hearts!

  5. Denise

    That’s cute and horray for almost finishing a ufo.

  6. cropperbea

    Love this quilt, reminds me I have this pattern too and should maybe bust it out? But applique takes so long, ha ha! How are you??

  7. rl2b2017

    Hi again, Brenda! What a cute and happy looking piece. I love the hearts inside of the heart. It’s rather like us collecting love from our peeps and storing it in our heart. Your quilting looks fab – that is one of my favorite quilting designs to use, the hearts and loops. Nice job! ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Daryl

    Very sweet Brenda. I have that book by Kim too and haven’t made anything from it. Maybe it’s about time? LOL!

  9. Karrin Hurd

    Beautiful block! Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Sherrie

    Beautiful block…love all that pink…have a great day!

  11. Sharon Vrooman

    I haven’t touched my LA in a while either so rust grows on me. Cute project and a sleeve makes it versitile – table or the wall.

  12. StoriedQuilts

    It’s beautiful and cheerful. Love your applique and the quilting.

  13. sewswift

    This is really a beautiful piece and your quilting does not look rusty to me. I love all the shades of pink in this! It would be cute no matter how you use it and definitely shows some love. Thank you for sharing your pretty in pink hearts and hopping with us! xo

  14. stitchinggrandma

    What a cute project. I love all your quilting too. You say your are rusty, but I don’t think so!


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