Naughty or Nice – To Do!!

by | Dec 15, 2020 | 2 comments

Wow! Can you believe it’s only 10 days until Christmas?? How did that happen? As slow as this year has seemed to be, in ways it has flown by also. Maybe it’s just getting older?!! Greetings my quilting and embroidering friends! So, are you ready for the big day? I am completely finished with shopping. Just waiting for one present to arrive…expected to be here on 12/22! That’s pushing it, but it’s ok as the kiddos will be at Disney next week (actually leaving this Thursday, which they still don’t know about!!), and won’t be home until the 23rd late or early on the 24th. We have them for lunch on Christmas day and opening presents, so have to start planning for that! Now just to get everything wrapped and under the tree!

Well, it’s been a crazy week here! Saturday night a kid delivering pizza to the house across the street, hit our mailbox. This is what’s left! The fall destroyed our recycle bin which was sitting behind it because, unfortunately, our city no longer picks up recycling and we now take it to the city next to us for recycling. We use this bin when the regular bin is full, since they wouldn’t pick it up. Sheesh! There was a planter on the side of the box. My sister-in-law years ago decided to plant it for me and put ivy in it along with other plants. The ivy ruined the planter pretty much but we were going to rebuild it. Now we have to get a whole new box built! Now to find a brick mason…

Saturday was Madelyn’s Christmas Dance Recital. Here are some pictures of my beautiful 11 year old, 5’4″ (not so) tiny dancer! And us with her! I just can’t choose a favorite, but I really, really love the first one! She did NOT like using mascara for her competitions and recitals, so my daughter got her some false eyelashes and they work pretty well. Usually they all have on the same makeup and lipstick but since they had to wear masks during the dance, minimal makeup and no lipstick!

So the next not so great thing will be included in the checkup on my to-do list from last week! Unfortunately it was one of those weeks where I just had no motivation, but…here goes!!

  • Maybe stitch a few more cards?? ✓ done. I finished one more! I combined two techniques with this one, actually three…the frame, organza and applique!
  • Finish border of block 5, Sunshine Cove no, but it is half done! This is where I had another problem! I had marked my stabilizer wrong and when I stitched it to the background, I had the outside lines off by almost an inch! I didn’t realize that until I started on side 2 and it did not line up. I am always very careful marking, and could not believe I did that! So…I had to cut out a new background square and stabilizer and remark and stitch it to the background, then cut out extra applique pieces I had messed up, and start all over! Ugh!!! New rule for this quilt…measure twice, maybe three times, mark and stitch once!! LOL I actually have the second side stitched down now and ready to start side three! Here is the correct one!
  • Hopefully make it to the fabric store or order some online for the kids’ pillows ✗ no but I have found a good source now. At this point, I think this project will wait for their birthdays! Of course, the boys is on the 30th which doesn’t give me a lot of time and M’s is in February
  • Make kids’ “Elf Pants” gift bags/stocking stuffer holders ✗ no I got the pattern out and checked on my supplies, then decided to wait to make these until next Christmas, unless I get extra time next week. It is a free pattern if any of you like it. Just click to go to Sew Can She! (no affiliation)
  • Write inside Christmas cards and get them in the mail ✓ done except for three addresses I’m waiting on. They should be ready to go to the post office today!
  • Make a Christmas themed mask ✓ done I got to wear it Saturday to the recital! And it’s reversible!!

Since I was severely lacking in motivation this past week, and not sure how this week will go, I’m going to keep my “list” short! LOL For now…

  • Complete the Month 5 border block
  • Get Christmas cards to post office
  • Get gifts wrapped and under the tree
  • Do something else! At this point I don’t know what! We’ll see what squirrels run through the brain!
  • Make apple bread for my boys

One more cute thing to show you! When I dropped the boys off at home today, they had to show me what the elves did last night. Prince and Princess built a “ginger bread” house!! And they always leave a sweet letter! My daughter is so creative!!

My friend Melva, who blogs at Melva Love Scraps, posted a great quilters naughty or nice list. I’m mostly a nice quilter but have hit all the naughty entries except for numbers 6 and 8!! I will leave you with this!


You added more items to your UFO list than you completed
You measured once and had to cut twice
You bought too much and had to sneak packages inside
You got busy sewing and forgot to make dinner
You photocopied the pattern and cheated the designer out of her due
You turned into the “Quilt Police”
You bought the book/pattern you already own because you have
so many you forgot you already have it!
You spoke like a sailor when you realized you were sewing with no bobbin thread


  • You finished your project!
  • You gave a quilted item as a gift
  • You can always find something nice to say about other people’s quilts
  • You rejoice in your friends’ quilting successes
  • You donate your time and talent to sew for worthy causes
  • You shared your best scraps
  • You shared tiny pieces for crazy friends or pet beds
  • You taught your skill to a new quilter
  • You did a sewing chore for someone who doesn’t sew

So, are you on the naughty or nice list? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Danice G

    So sorry about your mailbox, my goodness. All cute decorations. Looks like you are really busy. The Christmas masks are really pretty.

  2. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! Holy moly! How the heck did he hit your mailbox?!! Was he able to still drive his car? I’m sorry you have to go through that issue. Your granddaughter is so pretty. It look like a good show, and how fab that you could go see her. Priceless pictures, those of you with her. My great-niece started out just as her and is now a professional ballerina in NYC. Well, technically, not right now because of COVID. She’s in NC with her parents. I’ll bet the kids will be SO excited to learn about Disney!! LOL – that last meme is too darn cute. HA – I get bored easily. Here’s to a good week ahead – just staying afloat and stress-free. Thanks so much for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne


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