Weekly To-Do

by | Dec 6, 2020 | 2 comments

Welcome to my weekly to-do list! The holidays are rapidly approaching! Only 18 days until Christmas and I still have much to do!! I hope you are all caught up with your Christmas/holiday stitching!! Let’s see how last week’s list went!

  • Make another card ✓ done! I made two and I think I have enough now, but I love these so much, I may make one more!!
  • Start stitching Block 5 of Sunshine Cove ✓ done – Finally got started Sunday afternoon!
  • Order some fabric or go to the fabric store!!! ✗ not yet, but really need to go this week!
  • Find a recipe for the Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop post – come back on the 3rd to see my little project and grab a recipe. ✓ done See that post here. There were some great recipes and cool projects shared!

So, on to my list for this week!

  • Maybe stitch a few more cards??
  • Finish border of block 5, Sunshine Cove
  • Hopefully make it to the fabric store or order some online for the kids’ pillows
  • Make kids’ “Elf Pants” stocking stuffer holders
  • Write inside Christmas cards and get them in the mail
  • Make a Christmas themed mask

AccuQuilt and Fat Quarter Shop are still having some great cyber sales. I just bought a couple of new dies. One is for some secret sewing I will share with you in the spring!!

What’s under your needle this week? This list should keep me busy enough! So much to do and some days it’s hard to get in the mood. ☹ Oh well, such is today’s Covid life! Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Frédérique

    Pretty cards! Good luck with your list of the week!

  2. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! Oh, that Christmas card with the red truck is so darn cool. My niece just loves all things that feature that red and that colorway (Riley Blake, I believe). I need to make a few holiday-inspired masks as well. Thanks for linking up today! I appreciate it very much. ~smile~ Roseanne


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