
by | Nov 24, 2021 | 5 comments

I want to wish all of you who celebrate this holiday, a wonderful and blessed thanksgiving! This will be my only turkey tomorrow! The kiddos have gone to FL with my SILs family so we will either eat out or enjoy just a light meal here at home! I’ll save the cooking for Christmas when they are all here! LOL

Whether or not we celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving with food, family and friends, we can…

For ALL we Have!
Thanks for sharing this journey with me! I am truly grateful for all of you!
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  1. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! I love all of the memes you’ve shared. I wanted to pop over for a link to Connecting Thread – I suspect they are having a Black Friday sale. And the Fat Quarter Shop, too! Happy Saturday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Shirley Clark

    Happy Thanksgiving! We will have our family Thanksgiving on Saturday. This is the first year without my husband. He and I always made the dressing together. I’m doing it by myself this year. All of the “firsts” are bittersweet.

  3. Patti Howard

    Happy Thanksgiving! May our Lord fill your day with blessings!

  4. StitchingGrandma

    Sweet Turkey has been saved from roasting!! I hope you get to spend some time at your machines, doing what you enjoy. Glad I am not “hosting” this year, as the dining rooms table is buried under a months mail! I hope your local restaurant serves you up well today! Happy Thanksgiving. I know each of us has a lot to be grateful for.

  5. Gail Beam

    Hi Brenda, we aren’t going anywhere either, so we were just perusing the restaurants that will be open tomorrow. Love your beautiful turkey quilt hanging. Have a nice relaxing weekend!


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