Island Batik Runner Up Blog Hop and Giveaway!

by | Feb 3, 2025 | 5 comments

The Island Batik Runner Up Blog Hop will begin on February 4th. This is the first Island Batik Ambassador Blog Hop of 2025! Island Batik teamed up with Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design to challenge the Ambassadors to create stunning table runners or bed runners using the specialty tool they received in their first Ambassador box.

Below is the complete list of Ambassadors, the collections they’ll feature in their projects, and their scheduled post dates:


February 4:

February 5:

February 6:

February 7:

Blog Hop Round-Up Week 1 and Giveaway


February 10:

February 11:

February 12:

February 13:

February 14:

Blog Hop Round-Up Week 2 and Giveaway


February 17:

February 18:

February 19:

February 20:

February 21:

Blog Hop Round-Up Week 3 and Final Giveaway


February 24:

February 25:

February 26:

End of Blog Hop + Final Round Up

The first week’s giveaway is live right now! Follow the simple Rafflecopter prompts below for a chance to win one of the two fabulous Fat Quarter bundles of collections by Island Batik’s very own Jerry Khiev – Botanical Dreams or Fall Flair.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway ends on February 8th. Two random winners will be notified by email on February 8th.

Check the Island Batik social media pages February 4th for the first two quilts on the Runner Up Blog Hop! I hope you join us on this exciting journey, as the Ambassadors show our projects, and inspire you to create your own bed or table runner! Until next time…

DISCLAIMER: Some posts contain affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase items, I may receive a commission. I sometimes receive products from companies to create projects and may get compensated for it. Thank you for supporting my blog!

All tutorials, images and information are the property of Songbird Designs and are intended for personal use only. You may re-blog, pin, or share, with attribution to SBD. Thank you!

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. Susan N.

    My mom sewed and I started sewing some when I took Home Economics in H.S. I have sewed off and on ever since.

  2. Cindy Berry

    A friend inspired me to try quilting and since I had sewing experience, it was not too hard. Now I am addicted!

  3. Kathy E.

    My mom and older sisters always sewed their own clothes and that’s how I began sewing. I even made my first pair of jeans! It was many years later that I was teaching school and a colleague brought in a few quilts that she had made. They were absolutely amazing and I then knew that’s what I wanted to learn to do. I still make a blouse once in a while, but I’d rather be quilting any day! duchick at gmail dot com

  4. Tana McNac

    A family member wanted a quilt so I started sewing old jean squares together to make a quilt, they loved it and soon after everyone was wanting something made for them. As time goes by I learned new skills and each quilt I made became nicer and nicer. Sometimes family members would bring me fabric they liked so I could make a quilt for them. I have made a lot of quilts over the years.

    I love the new Whispering wood, it would work great for a guy quilt.

  5. Susan MacLeod

    I learned to sew when I was big enough to reach the pedal and have continued for the last 60+ years. Started with making doll clothes, clothes for myself and a few small quilts once I was in my 20’s. I’ve continued to sew clothes and made several flimsies but haven’t finished one yet.


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