Monday Musings 5/15/23

by | May 15, 2023 | 10 comments

Welcome to the middle of May – WOW!! School will be out soon, summer is basically here in Alabama with temps in the 80s and 90s – and wearable weather, some call humidity! LOL At any rate, it’s already HOT!! Thank God for air conditioning! How was your week? It was not a great week for me as I was feeling less than human for about three days, but thankfully, as quickly as it came, it also left!! So here goes.

For the week of 5/8 – 5/14:

  • Finish cutting IB Catalog Quilt. ✔ DONE! Here is a sneak peek! I LOVE this fabric line!! Deer, snowflakes, swirls, holly…many of my favorite things about winter!

And here is a cute little monster made from some of the trimmings above. I call him Yummy the Happy Scrappy Mummy! LOL Credit goes to Yvonne from Quilting Jet Girl for this idea.

  • Make another house or maybe two? ✘ Nope. I did not!
  • Cut out Block 4 of Amish with a Twist. ✘ Nope. I did not!
  • Test block for my pattern for F/W IB Catalog Quilt. ✔ DONE! This is one of the blocks in the quilt…but will be using some of those fabrics above!
  • Don’t chase squirrels!! I have enough to keep me busy!! Well, that DID happen!! This was my DrEAMi for this month! I began this before I fell ill and finished it on Saturday. I really needed a cover for Baby Nina that I use for our Sew Days. I had this front panel (house and flowers) that I made for a test when I began Sunshine Cove that has been sitting for at least two years, so I thought I’d use it. The back is embroidered. This design is from Emb Library. If you like chickens they have some cute ones! (No affiliation) I embroidered on some chalkboard fabric I’ve had lying around a long time too. Good to use up a few things!

So that was fun! Before we move on to next week’s goals I wanted to share my Island Batik Blog Hop project posted on Thursday. You can check out all the details here.

For the week of 5/15 – 5/21/23:

  • Work on June Island Batik project.
  • Begin secret sewing for catalog quilt.
  • Make a house or two hopefully. I’m WAY behind!
  • Whatever else suits my fancy!!

Here is a recap of our quilty friends’ shares from last week. As always if you want to learn more, check last week’s post for the links!

Now it’s your turn to share!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Be sure to join us for the final week of the Island Batik Tool Craze Blog Hop! I shared the schedule for the coming week in my previous post. The giveaway ends on the 19th, so hurry over to the Island Batik Blog and enter!! Island Batik is generously giving away two fat quarter bundles of some pretty awesome fabric so check out that post and join in the fun!!

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Thanks for stopping by. I will be linking up with my favorite linky parties found in the side bar! Until next time…

I answer all comments via email. Please spread the love about my blog!


  1. mspdesignsusa

    I really like the purple batiks that you’ve used for your IB project! Lovely finish!

  2. rl2b2017

    Hi Brenda! Hmm. Chalkboard fabric. I know I have some somewhere. Sue just said it’s been a coon’s age since she’s seen it. I have the perfect application for it, should we unearth it. HAHA! I’m NOT going to buy some because you know we’ll find it then. I love seeing Sunshine Cove out and about again. And, I’m also thrilled for you to be making something for the IB catalogue. Even the winter fabrics – the swirls coupled with the snowflakes are so cute. It won’t be long even though we’ve barely kissed last winter goodbye. Happy Tuesday! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Sharon Kwilter

    Your projects are lovely. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Kathleen McCormick

    Your scrappy monster is so fun. Love seeing all the fabulous linkups! And then you had some fun sewing too….fabulous.

  5. quiltingtangent

    Love the scrappy monster. A little sewing friend to put a smile on your face.

  6. Susan Nixon

    Love the scrappy monster AND the Island batik, particularly. Pretty line of fabrics.

  7. piecefulwendy

    I’m sorry you’ve not been feeling well, but glad it seems to be behind you now! I like that block and the IB quilt! Pretty!

  8. texasquiltgal

    That house and flower panel is so pretty! Isn’t that blue winter line gorgeous? Thanks for hosting – I may not join in next week. Going to take a break after tomorrow! Have a great week!

  9. Gail Beam

    Hi Brenda, Love your new quilt and all of the other awesome projects from the other quilters.

  10. Carol Andrews

    Hi Brenda. Looks like you had a fabulous week. I love the IB quilt and the fabrics you are using for the catalogue quilt are among my favourite collections. Thank you for hosting Monday Musings, for sharing my photo of pretty fabrics and in advance for linking with To Do Tuesday.


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